Saturday, July 19, 2008

I was just thinking about a funny thing that had happened during girls weekend! Now so many funny things happened at girls weekend but this one stands out to me...I don't know why I just seem to think that it is hilarious. We were all going to get some ice cream from Coldstone. Once we got there and we all got out of the cars (Melissa had her car and it was Kalyn, Keali, and me in the car & Andrea took her car and had Elizabeth, Jessica, and Kaylee). Well once we had gotten out of the car Jessica was pleased to inform Melissa, and I that in Andrea's car the had music playing. For those of you who don't know the rule is if you ride with Andrea and music is playing you HAVE to sing! And if you don't know the words then you make up your own words! Well Andrea, was singing to the music and apparently the car next to them had guys in it and the guys thought that Andrea was trying to talk to her. So the guys rolled down there window and when they did they heard Andrea singing. Then Jessica told us that they guys had said "oops" and rolled there window back up. Now that story may not seem funny to everybody but i think it is hilarious! Girls weekend was great Andrea! Thank you so much for a wonderful time!


Melissa said...

It was a lot of fun. Love you!

Jennifer said...

Hahaha! I remember driving out here with Andrea 8 years ago and we would sing, and she really would make up words if she didn't know the lyrics. She would also add stuff to songs. She has a surprising talent for it!
I love you so much!