Thursday, July 31, 2008

I am so sad that Melissa will be moving. Although I am happy that she will be moving somewhere, where she will love it. I remember when they used to live far away from Hot Springs (they have lived many different places before moving close to Hot Springs). I remember I hardly ever got to see them! I remember when Melissa was pregnant with Kalyn. We had gone up to visit them (I believe that was when they were in Tennessee). Well it was just about the due date and Melissa was READY! And so was Health! If I recall correctly Health had been trying to convince Melissa to drink something (It was supposed to get Kalyn to come faster). I also believed that Melissa had decided to drink it. So Health went out and bought the stuff brought it back, and Melissa drank some (maybe all of it i cant remember that) i do remember Melissa making a nasty face as she drank it! Well it did not make Kalyn come any faster! I also remember when Melissa had Keali. I was not there of course but i do remember going to the hospital to visit Melissa afterwards. I saw Keali when the nurses had her and they were making sure everything was fine with her and they were weighing her (i don't know what all the nurses do when they have the babies in that room). But she was just the most beautiful baby ever! Melissa I love you and I am going to miss you guys so much!! I am so happy that you Health got this job that he likes. I love you all!


Jennifer said...

I would LOVE for you to come to school here!!! That would be so great! It would be awesome to have you here...I love you!!!

Melissa said...

It was caster oil. It was supposed to induce contractions. All it did for me though was induce vomiting.
We are still close enough that we will be able to visit more often than when we lived in Tennessee. I'm going to miss you too.

Melissa said...

I will stay very busy! Gotta pack, clean, paint, paint, paint.

Jennifer said...

I do have the twilight books. :)

Jennifer said...

Darlin' I would love to. You're going to have to get Dad's permission first though. I talked with him a few months ago about them and it didn't sound like it was something he wanted in his house. It's the vampire thing. Let me know if he's changed his mind.