Saturday, July 26, 2008

i am so proud of myself! i just recently figured out how to get new backgrounds!! yay me! anyways my life is going ok. the fact that i have a urinary track infection and possibly kidney stones is not so much fun. we don't really know if i have kidney stones for a fact but my side is hurting really bad and when i went to the doctor i forgot to mention it because i was kinda side tracked by my current problem. I talked to Jennifer for a little while the other day she sounded really tired so i didn't want to keep her for to long, so i just said hi asked if she was still in loads of pain, and hoped that she would get better soon and that i love her. I am really happy she had the surgery because i hated the fact that she was in constant pain. Anyways i hope you all are doing well and i hope that Jennifer gets to feeling better soon.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'd comment on all of your blog entries, but I'm really tired. I am feeling better each day. I can't wait for the day when I can sleep again!